Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Why I'm Writing this Blog

    According to, 80 percent of couples get pregnant within 6 months and 85 percent within one year.  They say that if you do not get pregnant naturally within 6 months or a year (depending on age) you should seek help.  We have been trying for two and a half years and counting, and we can't afford a specialist or adoption.
    Infertility is a lonely road.  It is a roller coaster of hope and heartbreak that is largely invisible to the outside world.  This is why I am writing this blog.  It serves to provide an outlet for my own heartache.  I also hope that by sharing my own struggles I may provide encouragement to others in the same situation.
    Perhaps I can make the road a little less lonely for someone else.


  1. Hi, Mrs. Smith. I've got here as same hobby (balloon art). I understand your feeling. I also can't have babies cause unknown. I've quit infertility already for some reasons. I'm trying to enjoy own my life with my husband! I pray your heart will be healed as soon as possible, and have babies if you don't give it up!
    Sincerely from Japan

    1. Thank you, Shiki. I wish you all the best for you and your husband. I used to live in Japan myself and I loved my time there.

  2. i know this reply is late but maybe this could be useful to those who have the same concern.
    How long does it take to get pregnant
